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Month: October 2013

Upcoming HarnQuest release: City of Shiran

DICEY BUSINESS Columbia Games News HarnWorld edition October 24, 2013 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NEW HARNQUEST RELEASE – SHIPPING SOON City of Shiran Shiran is Hârn’s smallest city. Located on the north bank of the Thard River near Lake Benath, it is the second-largest settlement in the Thardic Republic and capital of Shiran Province. Shiran is one of […]

Bestiary: Spirit Folk (Faeries)

Spirit Folk, also known as faeries, are usually described as having shy, gentle natures and often possessing various, usually minor, powers. Many are helpful and sometimes warn travelers of danger or otherwise aid them. However, they can also be mischievous, even dangerous, if provoked.