Save K'nor, god of knowledge   Image (c) Ian Poingray 1997

Lord of Puzzles, Conundrums and Mazes, Sage of the Gods, Lord of Jesters, Mixer of Potions, Knower of Many Things, Keeper of the Var-Hyvrak, the Lost Guide

To see what was planned for HRT Save K'nor in the future see our Action List

The documents currently available at HRT Save K'nor are:

General Description of the Church and its beliefs

Player handout describing the basic theological beliefs of the Church

Demigods and Church Founders

Save K'norian Court Advisors

Doctors of theology

Hierarchy of the Church and the powers it grants

Order of Service

Save K'norian Philosophy

Sample Prayers

Skills taught to priests

Speech on the goals of the Church

Symbols (rough draft)

Save K'norian Tutors for the nobility (incomplete draft)

GIF image (c) Ian Pongray 1997