St. Sir Drakyn the Virtuous Shield.
By Aaron Kavli

        Sir Drakyn is one of the most revered saints in the Laranian church.  He comes into the Light of Larani some ten years after the fall of Alamire and the death of St. Ambrathas.  His story starts with Korbren, one of the original mendicants that aided St. Ambrathas.

        This text is taken from the Scroll of Swords, one of the holy documents belonging to the Laranian church.  The Scroll of Swords mostly covers the early beginnings and beliefs of the church and it's histories, along with the stories of the 5 holy mendicants Larani herself chose to start Ambrathas on his path of champion.  They were Darrin, Keflan, Matinor, Gaffalus, and Korbren.
        This text is taken from the Scroll of Swords, passages of Korbren.  Most of the holy texts were written around 4th-5th century TR.

        After the fall of Alamire, the clergy mourned the death of the most holy Champion of Larani, Ambrathas of Alamire.  It would be agreed that each of the five highest of priests, being Darrin, Keflan, Matinor, Gaffalus, and Korbren, would lead the soldiers of the holy word across the lands to root righteousness in the hearts of those unlearned.
        On the holy day of Fotema, the worshippers split into the agreed masses and bid farewell to spread the lore of the Goddess of Right.
        Of Korbren were two score followers who did follow him.  Theirs had been the hard path, across vast lands of harsh tempers and folk.  Through the valley of Paggash and the plains of Formuth did they pass.  Yet the Tamathi people did little to help them and blocked their passage at all points.
        This was to be Korbren's lot, land after land, people after people, all hindered him and for naught did his efforts seem.  The lands and people of the Pagaon, the Jassimi, the Limik, the Tako; the righteousness of Larani could find no purchase in their vile minds and dark hearts.  Even the very skies were against them, seven were lost to a severe sandstorm, as wrathful as any that had ever been seen.
        For ten years did the Korbrenites wander and suffer with no gain.  It was at the foot of Mt. Keirichi that Modon, the high acolyte of the Korbrenites began to conspire with the others whilst Korbren was off in his prayers.
        "Brothers, I have had a vision.  The Holy Goddess has judged Korbren and found him lacking in her sight.  She curses him with failure and even brings the very sands against us.  If we are to succeed, we must leave him behind for Larani has abandoned him."
        "How can you be so sure brother?" Leakael  did ask   "Are you so sure that you alone have the words of Larani?"
        Keirichi argued most of the night and swayed all but Leakael.  When Leakael tried to tell Korbren of the happenings, his brothers did bind him and Korbren fast to a tree.  To them Keirichi did speak.
        "Brothers, ye two ignore the will of Larani and seek to diminish her glory with your failures.  Without you we shall travel to the land of the Oupari and there shall the word of Larani take seed."
        "Indeed, it shall for Larani has answered by prayers.  She has told me that Oupari is where we must away."  But Korbren's words meant nothing and the rest began to leave.
        "If Larani truely favors you and your failures, she will save you from the wolves."
        "Do not go Keirichi.  Larani fortells of the doom of those who lose faith.  You will die," Korbren did say softly.
        "We shall see who has lost faith!  You lost one, wanderer dread you are!  It is our faith in you that leaves us!"  They then did leave.

        "What now shall be but food for ravaging wolves!" cried Leakael.
        "Fear not brother, for Larani has sent me a vision.  For there is but one we must find in Oupari, the rest will not accept us and kill us.  They are corrupt in the ways of the burning flame of hatred.  Fear not for us, but for our brothers."
        "Keirichi too had a vision holy Korbren."  To this Korbren did hang his head.
        "I fear there are two types of visions one may have loyal Leakael.  One is the stuff of gods and faith, a divine gift.  The other is the stuff of ego and of arrogance, though this is rarely a gift."

        Soon the priests under Keirichi made it into the lands of Oupari, and began to preach of the might of Larani, and much did the Oupari like the words of might and battle.  Keirichi found praise and gold showered by the Oupari and found much conceit.
        "See brothers!  I have found fertile soil for the words of Larani, that which Korbren could not plow had he an ox and good steel."
        But the others were not sure, for the Oupari used their violence to slay innocents and partake of their blood and women.  To this Keirichi gave little heed, thinking only a bit of time would change them.
        Soon Keirichi begat sermons of chastity and honor and duty, for these are the true strength of Larani, though it would be taught beneath the warrior aspect by Keirichi.  To these words did the Oupari find much hate.  Theirs was a way of violence and rapine.  To the flame did they convert and the high priest of the pestilent ways summoned forth Drakyn, their most powerful warrior.  He
bade Drakyn to cast them to the blade and flame.
        Drakyn was terrible in his actions, he did rend the priests of Larani atwain and did their blood and limbs and entrails spill upon the very ground!  No words nor blades of the wayward priest turn him.
        Drakyn stood to his hips in the gore of the lost and did see upon the hill two more that he believed to have escaped.
        But Korbren watched peacefully as the man charged them.
        "Stop Drakyn the mighty and strong of arm!" yelled Korbren.  To which the warrior did stop at the mention of his name.
        "You have in you a pain, a pain brought about by your people who slay with no justice, who burn but for twisted pleasure.  In you burns the light of justice that can be tempered with a good soul.  A warrior of your might wastes his life away slaughtering the helpless and weak which is no honor to you.  Whose honor do you fight for?  Your own by slaying the defenseless?  You surely do not
find in that bravery.  Your kin who drink blood and fornicate amongst siblings? I have searched for you over ten years, that you may find grace in the eyes of Larani!"
        Indeed in the violent warrior did burn such feelings and the words grabbed at his heart.
        "What of those slaughtered below!" he cried.  "Shall this Larani still favor me?"  Drakyn did wish to be Larani's champion, to favor good and righteousness.  But now he was afeared of her wrath.
        "Those below were twisters of the words of the Goddess.  It was her will that you slay them for they had lost faith and ignored their vows and loyalties.  Only need ye to swear your loyalty to the great Lady and your favor is secured."
        This brought Drakyn much joy, and sorrow at killing the men.  Drakyn knelt and did humble himself before the Lady and did swear unto her his sword and soul.  His heart did lift in him and he felt the power of Larani, and felt the power of his fealty.
        Alas from bellow did the priest of fire call unto the others to slay the traitor.  Imbued with the strength of Larani did Drakyn slay his former kin and it was well.  Their evil had ended with ten-thousand blows from Drakyn guided by the Defender of the Worthy.  Their blows were stopped as if a mere breeze, and thus Drakyn the Slayer became Drakyn the Virtuous Shield.

        Then did Korbren, being a holy priest of Larani, Leakael, being a loyal acolyte of Larani, and Drakyn the Virtuous Shield, being a champion of Larani, trek to the lands of Thriena and Drakyn learned well the ways of Larani for five summers from Korbren.

        Korbren spread his lore to both Leakael and Drakyn and was lost in thought one day.
        "What vexes thee Father Korbren," asked Drakyn who was clad in holy armor.
        "Nothing of a vex nature Champion."  Then he bade Drakyn to summon Keakael that he may give unto them a last lesson.  Thus did Drakyn do so and both sat before the aging priest.
        "Both of you have learned well the will of Larani and she is well pleased with us all.  She has told me she is to call me to the mighty walls of Dolithor."  The two began to protest but Korbren merely held his hand aloft.
        "'Tis not the two of you that I do owe my fealty.  I am vassal to mighty Larani, and my liege orders me hence.  Both of thee have been well learned and your liege commands that you continue the work of spreading her lore far and wide.  Ever strive for her ideals though you will fail, ever try to be strong though you will be weak, ever steel your courage though you will know great fear.  Take ye two separate paths, Leakael to the north, and Drakyn to the south.  When things are bleakest, remember only your vows to Larani, and hers to you.  And though you shall lapse, she shall not though you may not see clearly her ways or will.  Larani be with you Sir Drakyn the Virtuous Shield, champion of Larani and Father Leakael, high priest of Larani and son of Ambrathas."
        With those words Korbren did pass from Kethira to Dolithor.  On a high mountain did they bury Korbren and parted their ways with little thought save to serve loyally.

Sir Drakyn the Virtuous Shield and the Wyrm of Keros.

        Keros was a small kingdom on the shores of Lake Gamor in the lands of Kennyth.  Sir Drakyn rode into the village surrounding the king's castle.  In the streets were no persons to be seen.  Only mongrels and crows watched as Drakyn strode to the front gates of the castle.  From inside the walls came cries of fear and weeping.  Sir Drakyn pounded upon the gates.
        "Away from us fiend!  We have no more gold to give your master!" came a cry from within.
        "I am Sir Drakyn, Champion of Larani.  I am no fiend of which you speak.  In the name of the Lady of Paladins open the gate," called Sir Drakyn back.
        Upon the wall showed the head of a man clad in the trappings of a warrior, though his countenance was that of a cringing dog.
        "I am Sir Warrik, captain of the King's Guard.  What do you wish traveler?"
        "Why do the serfs and knights of your king hide within weeping?" called back Sir Drakyn.
        "We are cursed, by the Wyrm of Keros who has demanded our cattle and crops.  We have none to give now yet the demands come," returned the knight upon the wall.
        "Let me speak to your king good knight.  I shall slay this beast with the might of Larani."
        But the knight was afeared of angering the dragon and instead bade Drakyn to leave, for he knew not of the Might of Larani.
        The knight of Keros was afraid of the reprisals of the wyrm as he did not have the might of Larani.  When Drakyn refused to leave, Sir Warrik cast his spear into Drakyn's body.  Not knowing the might of Larani, the knight stared on as Sir Drakyn the Virtuous Shield withdrew the spear and snapped it as a twig.
        "You shall now know the power of the goddess Larani!"  Then did Drakyn call upon Larani and Warrik knew true fear, the fear of his heart, and the power of Larani.  He cowered and cried at the name of Larani, then opened the gates.
       Sir Drakyn walked with the boldness of Larani through the court and into the chambers of King Pellusis.  Four knights surrounded the king, but they flinched as Drakyn approached the throne.  To the king Drakyn spoke in tones befit a man cringing in the shadows, who knows not the bravery beloved by Larani.
        "I am Sir Drakyn, Champion of Larani.  If you are too weak to serve your people as is your duty, I shall smite this wyrm of yours."  Drakyn looked about but found no protest from the knights of the king, nor from the king, for they knew not the might of Larani.
        Only from the shadows stepped a young boy, but of 14 years.  Others tried to stop him, but he forced his way through.
        "Mighty or no sir knight, none speak to my father this way!  You shall fend your words with your blade for your insult!"  Drakyn drew his sword.
        "Will none save my son Androth?" asked the king.  Only frightened looks from the men answered him.  The king wept for his son's life, for he did not know the honor of Larani.
        The fight was short.  Androth was but a whelp, and though brave and skilled for a lad, he was no match for Drakyn the Virtuous Shield.  Drakyn held his sword towards the boy's neck upon the floor.
        "You of all the men here Androth of Keros, have shown the mettle of a true warrior.  You have fought bravely, but the day is mine.  Will you yield with honor?"
        Androth did yield with honor, for he was an honorable man.  The ways of Larani were in him, though he was ignorant to her teachings.  Drakyn offered his hand and helped the lad back to his feet.
        "You have the mettle of honor and courage young Androth.  Follow me and I shall away you from this herd and learn to you the ways of Larani and the sword that you my be able to better defend your honor."
        They left the castle and trekked towards the dragon's cave.  Along the way a small man, lacking in limbs of goodly length or strength.
        "Be warned warrior, many bones of dead warriors greater than thee be strewn about the mouth of the wyrm's lair.  My master, the great wyrm himself, shall destroy you with ease.  I am Drong, though I take no joy my lord, I beg ye to appease instead of war the dragon."
        Young Androth nodded heartily.
        "Indeed Sir Drakyn, I have seen the dragon move about in it's cave.  Tis full of fire and devilry and could span the whole of my father's castle should it choose."
        Sir Drakyn, holy champion of Larani merely smiled.
        "Its size is of no matter young squire.  For no matter the beast, the river, the oceans, the mountains none are greater than the grace and might of Holy Larani.  Thus that even we should be consumed by fiendish flame, in Dolithor shall we be hailed heroes for our bravery and find high posts in the court of Larani."
        Drong left into the woods and Drakyn and Androth marched on to the cave of the Wyrm of Keros.
        The beasts lair was a massive crack set into the side of a mountain and a red glow, that of a smithy forge, illuminated the corpses of men and their rotted armor about the mouth of the cave.
        Flames issued from the ground before the cave and a huge serpentine shadow was cast upon the cavern wall.  Androth let out a cry and fled from Drakyn.
        "By the Might of Larani," called Drakyn, "thou will leave this place and let the people of Keros be.  Lest ye do this thing, my sword shall let the flame from your damnable heart!"
        A loud bellow that shook the dirt upon the ground issued from the cave.  Drakyn drew his blade and charged into the cave.  Once inside he found but Drong, casting the shadow of a dragon puppet from a large fire.  Drong cowered in the corner begging for mercy.
        Thus did Drakyn grant the creature mercy, for Larani is gracious in victory and honorable in defeat.  Drakyn bade Drong to return the goods he had tricked from the people of Keros and to flee from the land for all times.
        "I do beg forgiveness for my cowardice my knight," said Androth unto Drakyn for he was shamed.  Drakyn comforted the boy.
        "This is what you fled lad."  Drakyn showed the squire the small puppet and Androth was ashamed even further to be scared from such a toy.
        “What of the slain before the cave?” asked the young Androth.
        “Another failing of your father, for they are the bodies of  your ancestors, dug from the grave to frighten the simple.  Would a man take care of his forefathers as is proper, this would have been found long past.”  Sir Drakyn did say a prayer for his own ancestors, though they had not been in the light of Larani.
        "Now you begin to see, courage is a tool of the righteous while fear is a tool of the wicked.  One dew drop of bravery would have saved your lands a river of grief."  Drakyn did then pray to Larani through the night and day before returning to Keros castle.
        Upon returning to the king of Keros, Drakyn cast the puppet at the feet of his throne and did the knights and king wail at their cowardice.  For they felt the full force of their failure.  Drakyn spake upon them.
        "Do not grow your error further this way!  Instead of crying like babes, resolve your selves and steel thy souls to face your fears henceforth!  Only in the Might of Larani can thee triumph, for there will be a time more than a mere puppet and midget shall give thee threat.  Let me give you the lore and grace of the goddess Larani."
        Long did Sir Drakyn stay to spread the lore of Larani in Keros and Androth became high priest and did lead the lands of Keros to honor and glory and became a renown king in his own for his bravery and mercy.