Clerical Orders
The information for Clerical Orders of Ilvir is scattered throughout several
supplements (e.g Gods of Harn, Araka-Kalai, Orbaal, Cities of Harn etc).
Herewith is a complete (?) summary of all the orders mentioned in the published
Harn material. Some extra material has been added, but nothing which, as
far as I can tell, contradicts the published sources. The names of current
heads of order have been given where these are known (or if I have used this
order in my campaign).
Simply click on the name of the order in which you are interested:
Chuchlaen Wheelwright
Conclave of Meamyt the Hermit
Dark Order
Enclave of the Verdant Pool
Ochre Womb
Seafarer Ibenis
Second Order
Sudelrhynn the Bearer of Loam
Tuarbalt the Golden Limbed
Yellow Hand
Chuchlaen Wheelwright
Location of Temple:
Early History - 600 TR:
Founded in 132 TR by Tyrnan of the Rock in response to growing pressure from
migrant Gargun tribes following the disintegration of Lothrim's empire. Tyrnan
believed that the Gargun, which have but one soul, would be unable to triumph
against the pereverance and determination of two-souled creatures such as
humans and Ivashu. He was killed in 139 when Gargun stormed his temple and
put him and the entire order to death.
Recent History 600 - 700 TR:
In 686 TR the order was refounded at Gedan by Eochaid of Olthair, a former
member of the Order of Sudelrhynn the Bearer of Loam. Eochaid felt that the
position of the Jarin and the Gargun in 132 mirrored that of the Jarin and
the Ivinians in the 7th century. For this reason, and inspired by some of
Tyrnan's writings ,which he had found in the temple library, he re-established
the order. He had only one clerical follower at the time of his death. In
689 he was joined at Gedan by a Jarin resistance group (the Aenghysa) which
gave him a congregation. He was no match, however, for the political skills
of the leaders of that group.
Modern History 700 - 720 TR:
Whilst preaching against the Ivinians at Lorkin in 701 (on the recommendation
of the Aenghysa's leader) he was killed and martyred by an Ivinian. This,
together with the atrocities of the Crimson Dancers at Quimen, precipitated
the Jarin Rebellion. His only clerical follower, Tymas, took over as High
Priest. A much more worldly and politically astute figure, he has expanded
the order considerably. The order now boast several priests and many acolytes;
one of the priests, Tavis, is investigating the possibility of using Ivashu
against the Ivinians. Tymas has also forged links with militant members of
the Guild of Arcane Lore in Cherafir. He acts as a religious and political
adviser to the Aenghysa.
The Name:
Chuchlaen Wheelwright is a unique Ivashu servant of Ilvir. When not on Ilvir's
business (i.e. most of the time), it strives with obsessive determination
to make the perfect wheel. Quite what it will do if it ever succeeds is unclear.
It also endeavours to keep its work a secret. The determination and secrecy
aspects of Chuchlaen's character make it an ideal choice for the order's
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Order of the Ochre Womb
Location of Temple:
Early History - 600 TR:
The Ochrynn manuscripts, a valuable source of information about early Ilviran
church doctrine and history, claim a foundation date of 284 BT for the order.
The earliest independent source proves the existence of the order on 72 BT.
It was founded by pious clerics who wished to be as close to their deity
as possible without actually taking up residence in the Pit of Araka-Kalai.
The order rapidly grew in importance since it provided a useful base from
which to embark upon the final pilgrimage to Araka-Kalai. Between the years
12 - 21 TR the order constructed Ilvir's Tower, which stands on the island
of Kalak, actually within the pit of Ilvir. From there it launched many
explorations of the caverns. In 298 TR a Gargu-Viasal swarm from Nizus
sacked Ochrynn and effectively destroyed the order. In 361, after an abortive
earlier attempt, Aslynn of Jaksyn refounded the order with the aid of mercenaries
to guard against the Gargun. Between the years 429 - 541 TR the order engaged
in the construction of the Temple of the Ochre Womb at Ochrynn. Since then
the order has thrived on the profits gleaned from pilgrims.
Recent History 600 - 700 TR:
Pilgrim trade dropped off significantly in this period, partly as a response
to the Ivinian attackes upon and conquest of the kingdoms of Jara. In an
effort to regain financial viability, the Ochre Womb (in collaboration with
the orders of Seafarer Ibenis and Pia-Gardith) started to sell Ivashu to
the Order of the Ocatagonal Pit (an order of Agrik, which organizes the Pamesani
Games) in 687 TR. This decision has been the source of much discussion, debate
and outright dissent within the order. The grandamster's decisions were based
largely on financial grounds
Modern History 700 - 720 TR:
The Ochre Womb maintains a virtual monopoly ov the pilgrim trade to Araka-Kalai.
Discord within the order over the selling of Ivashu is coming to a head.
The Name:
The Ochre Womb is a reference to the chamber in which Ilvir's creations are
"born", and hence the order lays claim to the most basic of Ilvir's powers
- that of creation of Ivashu. The order claims a form of stewardship over
all Ivashu. It is for this reason that the order can argue that it is entitled
to sell Ivashu; it is for precisely the same reason that others within the
order argue that it is not.
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The Second Order
Location of Temple:
Early History - 600 TR:
Founded late in the 5th century TR, very probably as a mainland base from
which to launch pilgrimages to Araka-Kalai. The name of the founder has been
lost. The order developed a tradition of tolerance to divergent views and
individual development. The various priests of the order are voted into office
by secret ballot; the elections are held annually. Since the titles and power
that goes with them are nominal, this approach causes the order no difficulty.
Recent History 600 - 700 TR:
During the Ivinian conquest the order took no interest at all in the war
and offered no aid to either side. The order expanded significantly with
the influx of refugees from the destruction of the First Order's temple and
base on Arone in 658 TR. Because of its neutral stance during the Ivinian
takeover, it escaped the ravages suffered by its parent temple.
Modern History 700 - 720 TR:
The only significant act of this order has been the desertion from it of
Meamyt the Hermit in 709 TR
The Name:
The First Order, according to orderial tradition, was the first church of
Ilvir established by Ormanoam in c. 1300 BT. The order was noted for its
use of dreams and drug induced visions to establish the will of Ilvir. The
Second Order continues these practices and tries to take them further. This
is why many have dismissed Meamyt as a crazed visionary.
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Conclave of Meamyt the Hermit
Location of Temple:
Isle of Askellin - although temple would be a euphemism.
Early History - 600 TR:
Not applicable.
Recent History 600 - 700 TR:
Not applicable. The founder, Meamyt of Pyryn, was born in the 630s TR. He
does not divulge his age; people who have talked to him say that in all
probability he does not know his age. All agree that he is elderly and, although
he has fits of clarity, mostly eccentric - if not simply mad. Meamyt became
a member of the Second Order whilst still a teenager and remained a member
of it until he settled on Askellin.
Modern History 700 - 720 TR:
In early 708 Meamyt had a vision, at the end of which he delivered a prophecy
which prompted him to set up home on Askellin. The fame of both prophecy
and prophet spread far and wide; in 709 he was joined by other clerics and
the order which bears his name was born.Tursi, the Valhakar of Clan Cyeen,
seems quite fond of the old man and has given him gifts of food.
The Name:
Named after the founder, although he personally did not set up the new order:
the new order set itself up around him.
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Order of the Pia-Gardith
Location of Temple:
Early History - 600 TR:
The name of the founder of this order and the date of its foundation have
been lost. There is some evidence that it was in existence during the Theocracy
of Tekhos, although, if this is true, quite how the order survived
the atrocities of that period is unclear. Perhaps some of their Command rituals
actually work (see below). The order has always kept a low profile, so perhaps
this has something to do with it.
Recent History 600 - 700 TR:
The order has done little of importance since its foundation. It is significant
that a few days after a delegation from this order arrived at Ochrynn
in 687, the Grandmaster of the Ochre Womb permitted the selling of Ivashu
for use in the Pamesani Games. It is not known what the Pia-Gardith delegation
said to convince the Grandmaster. Some in the Ochre Womb suspect that dark
magic was used to cloud his judgement. Since 687, the order has had much
better relations with the Agrikans, although the Morgathian Church still
displays nothing but contempt for them.
Modern History 700 - 720 TR:
The Dark Order has attempted several times to infiltrate this secretive,
mystical order as part of the plan to end the sale of Ivashu. To date no
agent sent there has ever reported back. The beliefs, size and structure
of the Pia-Gardith remain a mystery to all outsiders. It seems likely that
they dabble in magic or psionics. Given the readiness of this order to sacrifice
Ivashu for no apparent gain, their motives must be well hidden indeed. This
order is actually busy investigating the names and natures of all the
beings Ilvir has created for other deities, with a view to creating appropriate
Command rituals. They envisage that such Command rituals would offer
them protection against the predations of the evil churches and others who
slight the Brooder. They regard the reasons for their mission as twofold:
it is important for it behoves all clerics of Ilvir to seek to know all the
names of His children; secondly they hope that they will be able to raise
the status of the Ilvrian church by being able to turn aside many of the
more powerful servants of the other deities.
The Name:
The source of the name appears to be from the Jarin tongue, meaning "The
Way of Gardith". Gardith is a minor servant of Ilvir who hearkens to every
word her master utters (sometimes even to the extent of eavesdropping). Her
understanding of what she hears is imperfect; she is credited with
spreading (usually) false ideas among the faithful. The order chose this
name deliberately to reflect their desire to know things others would like
to keep secret; the fact that Gardith normally gets things wrong is a useful
cover for the order, making others believe that they are harmless.
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Order of Seafarer Ibenis
Location of Temple:
Early History - 600 TR:
The order was founded in 522, shortly after the first great Thardic flood.
The founder's name had been lost. During the Theocracy of Tekhos it survived
by offering the Balshans tacit support and the occasional Ivashu for some
of the less gruesome executions whilst continuing to fulfil its avowed aim
to provide transportation (via land or sea) for pilgrims to Araka-Kalai.
The supply of Ivashu for spectacles of varying kinds has continued since
this time.
Recent History 600 - 700 TR:
The order maintained its policy of keeping a low profile. The order is still
the focal point for all pilgrim traffic from western Harn. In 687 it petitioned
the Grandmaster of the Ochre Womb for official sanction of its policy of
supplying Ivashu to the Pamesani Arena, It now supplies most of the Ivashu
used at Shiran and a few for Corannan.
Modern History 700 - 720 TR:
The order remains unrepetant about its policy of supplying Ivashu despite
the protests of some of the pilgrims. In the flood of 707 part of the temple
yard collapsed into the River Thard; repairing it has been a source of concern,
but the job is currently beyond the financial capabilities of the order.
The Name:
Ibenis is the "Ferryman of Souls", who transports the souls of departed Ivashu
back to Ilvir for subsequent rebirth. As an order which ferries pilrims to
Araka-Kalai across Lake Benath, the name seemed apposite. In view of its
recent activities in selling Ivashu to the Agrikan Order of the Octagonal
Pit, opponents of the policy have argued that the name now has an even darker
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Order of Sudelrhynn the Bearer of Loam
Location of Temple:
Leriel (main temple); Gwaeryn
Early History - 600 TR:
This order was founded in c. 180 TR by schism within the Order of the
Ochre Womb. The establishment of a temple at Ochrynn by the Ochre Womb and
its subsequent control of access to Araka-Kalai upset many. They felt that
the orderwas denying worshippers the chance to experience Ilvir's presence
on a personal level. The split was cordial, with the new order maintaining
good relations with the "parent" order. Clerics from this order consistently
endorse a personal approach to Ilviran worship. Most of its clergy are encouraged
to spend some (if not all) of their active years as mendicant preachers.
The Order of the Ochre Womb was refounded by clergy from this order
in 358 TR.
Recent History 600 - 700 TR:
As the oldest, continuously functioning order (The Ochre Womb, whilst older,
has been founded three times) it is the most highly regarded of all orders.
It maintains a policy of refraining from getting involved in the dispute
about the selling of Ivashu, believing in its fine tradition of individuality
that this is a matter of personal conscience. It is significant that the
Orders of the Pia-Gardith and Seafarer Ibenis did not appeal to this
order, but to the Ochre Womb about the Ivashu policy.
Modern History 700 - 720 TR:
The order under the leadership of the High Priest, Llastefan of Trythe, took
no "official" part in the Jarin Rebellion, although many of its mendicant
clergy offered spiritual support. Llastefan is considering giving his personal
views about the Ivashu policy in a sermon during the pilgrimage of 720.
The Name:
Sudelrhynn the Bearer of Loam in Ilviran doctrine is the first Ivashu created
by Ilvir. He is a unique Ivashu, often portrayed with large, cup-like hands
in which he carries the clay from which Ilvir fashions his creations. Some
members of this order believe that the "Cloaca of Ilvir", the greenish sludge
found in the Wose River, is the slurry or slip created when Sudelrhynn washes
his hands in Ilvir's Court.
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Order of Tuarbalt the Golden Limbed
Location of Temple:
Hidden and mobile.
Early History - 600 TR:
Not applicable.
Recent History 600 - 700 TR:
The order was founded in 692; the founder was Meltar of Harel, a member
of the Order of Sudelrhynn the Bearer of Loam. He had discovered in the temple
archives at Leriel the apocryphal work "The Golden Way", which purports to
be a collection of the thoughts of Tuarbalt, a servant of Ilvir. Meltar,
never particularly stable, interpreted these sayings to mean that only those
close to the wilderness received favour in the eyes of Ilvir. Moreover, the
sayings implied that non-believers were a source of spiritual contamination.
He led a small group of followers into the wilderness to live among the Anoa
tribesmen (who worship Ilvir under the name K'orr).
Modern History 700 - 720 TR:
In 718 Meltar encountered a unique Ivashu and, whilst trying to communicate
with it, was killed and eaten by it. Berain of Melrony took over the reins
of power. Berain's attempts to "talk" to the creature via telepathy merely
filled his mind with alien images of insatiable hunger, causing a rapid descent
into madness. Berain retains, however, an animalistic, ruthess cunning. He
and his order now sacrifice any non-believers they encounter (their definition
of non-believer includes all who are not members of their order) to Ilvir
through the "Mouth of Tuarbalt", the unique Ivashu mentioned earlier.
The Name:
Tuarbalt the Golden Limbed is a servant of Ilvir entrusted with secrets by
his Master. Ilvir confides more of his thoughts to Tuarbalt than to any other
servant. It is believed that he is therefore closest in thought to the Brooder
- this is certainly true in many ways. The knowledge or visions imparted
to the faithful by Tuarbalt contain many elements of truth, although the
message is often unclear. Certainly he has never communicated anything to
humans or Ivashu except in the most cryptic or obscure way. The order of
Tuarbalt believes that they have the secret knowledge and wishes of Ilvir
- all other orders are heretics and blasphemers.
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Enclave of the Verdant Pool
Location of Temple:
Early History - 600 TR:
Unknown, as is the founder. Not originally called the Enclave of the Verdant
Pool. The clerics of the order spent much of its time studying the ancient
ruins at Tawheim, which they claim to have some mystical connection with
Ilvir. The construction of the hill fort (and subsequent Ivinian improvements)
in 422 TR upon these ruins has put a stop to this. The order survived by
providing the Jarin with spiritual comfort and some measure of protection
against the Ivashu living in the mountains to the south.
Recent History 600 - 700 TR:
The appearance of an aquatic Ivashu in a pool of one of the tributary streams
of the Taw River led to a change in the name of the order. It was discovered
in 639 TR that the ritual "Vision of the Turbid Pool" produced longer lasting
effects without an increase in the adverse side effects. The pool was surrounded
by lush vegetation (for Orbaal) and so the name of the order was changed.
The order continued its policy of offering spiritual support for its laity.
Modern History 700 - 720 TR:
The order offered covert aid during the Jarin rebellion. The Ivashu still
resident in the pool has occasionally attacked Ivinians who strayed too close.
Although a poor order, it has offered much encouragement to the local Jarin
The Name:
See the section on Recent History.
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Order of the Yellow Hand
Location of Temple:
Early History - 600 TR:
The order was founded (although not named) in 121 TR when the sack of
Kelapyn-Anuz, an eastern outpost of Lothrim's empire, enabled it to be searched.
It was reported that Lothrim had stolen a holy book, The Scant Illumination
of Vision, and had left it at Kelapyn-Anuz for later study. He was killed
before he could get round to this, but the book, which deals apparently with
how to have visions of Ilvir's court, was never discovered. A priest of Ilvir,
Goda of Jaksyn, and a few acolytes started the search from which the order
grew. The foundation of Tashal upon the ruins of Kelapyn-Anuz in 128 made
their task harder. He founded a temple and continued the search. The order
has the discovery of this book as its aim. What will happen if (when?) they
find it is not obvious, since the order will have outlived its original purpose.
Recent History 600 - 700 TR:
The comparative stability of Eastern Harn has seen Tashal beome a staging
post for pilgrimages to Araka-Kalai. The Yellow Hand organizes an annual
pilgrimage which has been known to muster more than 100 of the faithful in
some years. Searches for the The Scant Illumination of Vision, which had
formerly been exclusively physical (probing the tunnels under Tashal) were
allowed to be mystical, with many clergy opting for visions and revelations
rather than the perils of the tunnels. In 689 TR the order insisted that
all physical forays into the tunnels had to be ratified by the High Priest
following the disappearance of a party of five of the clergy beneath the
Modern History 700 - 720 TR:
Yrech of Sturil is the current High Priest of this order. The order still
pursues any rumour of the location of the missing book.
The Name:
This order too takes its name from Tuarbalt the Golden Limbed. Unlike the
eponymous order, however, this order takes its name from the left hand of
Tuarbalt in which Tuarbalt holds a rune carved slate. It is upon this slate
that Tuarbalt inscribes Ilvir's thoughts. Tuarbalt is always portrayed in
Ilviran doctrine as a golden-yellow colour.
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The Dark Order
Location of Temple:
Araka-Kalai in The Sounding Cave.
Early History - 600 TR:
Not applicable.
Recent History 600 - 700 TR:
Founded in 692 TR by Tave (no clan name is known - hardly surprising considering
his origin, see Araka-Kalai p.27). Tave claims to come from Tashal.
He drew his supporters from the Ochre Womb, many of whose members were unsure
about the policy of supplying Ivashu to the Order of the Octagonal Pit. Tave
drew many of the younger and more revolutionary members of the Ochre Womb
to his cause - the freeing of all Ivash from enslavement.
Modern History 700 - 720 TR:
In 702/3, amidst growing friction between the two orders, Tave announced
the Descent - the withdrawal of the Dark Order from the surface world to
take up residence in the caves of Araka-Kalai. In 708 all contact with the
order was lost and it was assumed that the order had perished. In fact the
order had been building its strength and establishing supporters in all quarters
where Ivashu were enslaved. It seems likely that Tave has developed some
form of unique ritual allowing his words to be transmitted to his followers
through Ivashu - how else does he maintain control over his widely scattered
order? In 715 the signal was sent that the order should begin its campaign.
Hunters/suppliers of Ivashu are being harassed; priests of Ilvir who are
seen to cooperate with Agrikans are beaten up; in one daring raid in 717,
some Ivashu were freed from the cells beneath the Pamesani Arena in Corannan.
The order, which believes that all sentient life was created by Ilvir, is
reluctant to kill (except Agrikans). Persuasion is normally used to try to
convince any who learn about them of the rightness of their cause. The order
has developed a punishing regime of ritual and prayer - in game terms most
members of this order will be heavily laden with piety points.
The Name:
A quotation from the Ochrynn Manuscripts reads "and out of cold
and darkness came life ...". The order draws its name from this.
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1st October 1997