Excerpt from the Latter Ecclesiastical Convocation

(Araka-Kalai, Harn, ca. 715 TR)

Where did the world come from?

(Order of Chuchlaen the Wheelwright) - In the time before time, there was nothing. Then, in one moment of perfect creative energy, the First Gods willed themselves to be separate from the nothing. These Gods created the worlds and the stars and the Lesser Gods, who in turn created man. Our great Lord Ilvir created the Ivashu, populating the world with strange and wondrous creations for man to behold.

(Order of the Ochre Womb) - Yes, it is as my friend speaks. Yet he leaves out the fact that Ilvir is one of the First Gods, the last to remain. It was he who created Kethira, as evidenced by the fact that he dwells upon it.

(The Dark Order) - Nay, nay, Ilvir is not one of the First Gods, though he is the oldest of the Lesser Gods. And the divine Ivashu were not the only beasts he created. All beasts, on all worlds owe their form to Ilvir. Even mankind was given its shape by the Father.

Where did I come from?

(Order of Chuchlean the Wheelwright) - Mankind was created by one of the First Gods long ago. In the times of the Natal Wars, the Gods fought amongst themselves, and mankind was one of their creations, made to fight their wars for them.

(Order of the Ochre Womb) - Yea, it is indeed as the man speaks. You were not created by Ilvir, as the Brooder alone did not create creatures to fight for him. That is why mankind is always in strife. Does the Vlasta attack the Umbathri? Does the Nolah stalk the gentle Hru? Nay, for they are both Ilvir's creatures, and are at peace, each with its place in nature. Emulate this peace and you will be freed from your existence, and bound anew to the ever-renewing Cycle.

(The Dark Order) - Fools! Your ignorance verges on blasphemy. Ilvir is the creator of all creatures, mankind alike. All second-souls return to the Tower on the Blasted Plain, there to be born anew and sent forth into the world.

Why am I here?

(Order of Chuchlaen the Wheelwright) - You are here to guard the domains of the Brooder from encroachment by the others Gods. Keep safe the sacred faith, do not falter in thy beliefs. The forces of battle and conquest can not hope to stand against those who refuse to give up their beliefs.

(Order of the Ochre Womb) - Perhaps. Yet perhaps we are merely here as observers, that we might see the ways of Ilvir's creatures and understand the meaning of harmony. Pray for understanding, be one with the nature of your surroundings, whatever they may be. Learn from the examples given to us by the Dweller in the Tower.

(The Dark Order) - The Priest of the Ochre Womb speaks true. Look upon the creatures of Ilvir, all creatures. Look upon all nature, for all was created by the Father. Be in harmony with it and experience to joy of being part of the larger Cycle.

What happens after we die?

(Order of Chuchlaen the Wheelwright) - The faithful are born again, their second-soul going to Araka-Kalai for a time to await rebirth. Then, you are born into the world again, again to keep safe the realms of Ilvir from harm. Thus are the faithful charged with an important and honorable duty.

(Order of the Ochre Womb) - Yes, it is true, we are reborn. Whether to continue to defend the mortal realms or not is difficult to say. However, each rebirth gives us the opportunity to learn more of Ilvir's creations and to emulate his harmony. Eventually, the faithful will have learned inner and outer peace, and will no longer need to be reborn. Then and only then will they be allowed to remain at Araka-Kalai, forever aiding the Brooder in his arcane works.

(The Dark Order) - Hmmm, true to a point. Beware of the dangers, however. While it is true that the faithful will progress, those who falter will be reborn as lower forms, baser animals, as punishment for their transgressions. Those who are worthy will be reborn as wondrous and divine Ivashu, and then eventually will serve the Brooder if they are truly great.

What of the other Gods? Tell me the Truth about...


(Order of Chuchlaen the Wheelwright) - Agrik is one of the Gods from which the Realms must be defended. His treachery knows no bounds, and he'd have betrayed Ilvir had not the Brooder outsmarted him when he created the V'hir.

(Order of the Ochre Womb) - Perhaps.

(The Dark Order) - "Perhaps" be damned! Agrik is the enemy. His vile games and sadistic spectacles have led to the untimely imprisonment, torture, and death of many of our Lord's divine Ivashu. This can not be tolerated!


(Order of Chuchlaen the Wheelwright) - The Prostitute of Heaven is interested only in money. She has no creative urge, only the urge to possess. Shun her.

(Order of the Ochre Womb) - She is not as bad as that. She is merely one of Ilvir's children gone wrong, overwhelmed by her greed for wealth. She poses no threat, and is of no consequence.

(The Dark Order) - Agreed. To each his own.


(Order of Chuchlaen the Wheelwright) - Nearly as bad as Agrik is Larani. She would make all men bend knee to her. Haughty and arrogant is she, and her followers are no better.

(Order of the Ochre Womb) - Nay, my friend. She is righteous and good, and has been known to lend forces in defense of the Blasted Plain on many an occasion.

(The Dark Order) - Indeed. Larani has taken it upon herself to defend mankind, one of Ilvir's weakest creatures. For this she is owed some thanks, even if she does not understand the Cycle.


(Order of Chuchlaen the Wheelwright) - Destructive, treacherous, and spiteful, Morgath would seek to steal souls that rightfully belong to the Brooder and feed them to accursed Bukrai.

(Order of the Ochre Womb) - Agreed. Steer clear of followers of the Wreaker of Chaos. Give them a wide margin and let them go about their business elsewhere.

(The Dark Order) - As the priest says. It is difficult to be reincarnated as a Hru when your soul is shrieking in agony for all eternity.


(Order of Chuchlaen the Wheelwright) - Dangerous, mysterious, never to be understood, and certainly not to be trusted.

(Order of the Ochre Womb) - Agreed.

(The Dark Order) - Most definitely.


(Order of Chuchlaen the Wheelwright) - Beware Peoni, for while she may appear to be the good and Pure Lady of Labors, there is a danger in succumbing to the temptations of her teachings, in that wherever Peoni is present, Larani is not far away.

(Order of the Ochre Womb) - Sheer Paranoia! How could Ilvir fear his own daughter? As much as Ilvir is Lord of the strange, Peoni is the Lady of the everyday occurrence. Both are part of nature, a nature that we must see and understand for what it is.

(The Dark Order) - Aye. As Ilvir has created all creatures, Peoni has created all plants. It is Peoni provides the food for Ilvir's creations. Though she is not his daughter, they are closely linked, each dependent on the other.


(Order of Chuchlaen the Wheelwright) - Hated, accursed, evil, and vile! It is he, chief among all others that seeks to strip the faithful of their beliefs, to crush the Brooder's people under his iron boot and take dominion over the realms of our Lord. Strike the followers of Sarajin down whenever the chance presents itself! Do not hesitate!

(Order of the Ochre Womb) - Calm thyself, my friend. Sarajin is no more good or evil than any other God. His creations are also part of the nature that we must observe. Men shall see Sarajin's teachings for the folly they are and come back to the true faith in due time.

(The Dark Order) - Aye, this is so.

Save K'nor

(Order of Chuchlaen the Wheelwright) - One can respect Save-K'nor. For as much as our Lord creates things, so too does Save-k'nor seek knowledge with equal diligence. As the holder of the Concordat, he alone can be trusted.

(Order of the Ochre Womb) - Aye, there is much that is worthy in the seeking of knowledge, though it be not creative on its own.

(The Dark Order) - This is the sole problem with Save-K'norans. They spend all their time finding out more about what is already in existence. Never do they create something anew, made only from the whole cloth of imagination and spirit.


(Order of Chuchlaen the Wheelwright) - Siem is perhaps the only other of the Lesser Gods who can truly comprehend the Brooder's ends. He is aged and wise, and his creatures, the Sindarin and Khuzdul, can at times be as fanciful as the Ivashu.

(Order of the Ochre Womb) - Indeed. Siem is the oldest of the Lesser Gods, and while not as old as Ilvir, his counsel should still be respected. Likewise, his creatures, who live forever, gain much wisdom over time.

(The Dark Order) - Aye, they gain much wisdom, but for no good. They, living forever, will never know the joy of rebirth. Siem, in all his folly of trying to out-do the Brooder, created his creatures and doomed them to an eternity of misery on Kethira in a lowly, man-like form, only to be followed by another eternity of misery on another world should they suffer some unnatural death. Pity them.

written by: Marc Renouf