ILVIR - Action List
The following items urgently need to be done:
- Discussion of all the clerical orders, including
- details of Grandmaster
- rituals & dogma
- attitude to use of Ivashu in Pamesani Games
- rivals/candidates to next available vacancy
I am currently working on this.
- Ilviran Mysticism
- Ilviran Parables & Sermons
I am currently working on a Sermon
- Ilviran Mystery Plays
- A write up of a pilgrim's visit to Araka-Kalai
- Any new Ivashu?
- Critical: the services that Ilvir performed for the other lesser gods.
Precisely what did Ilvir
make for them?
I quote from GoH Religion 4: Others would come to him, saying, "make for me an army
of thy craft", or "build a creature that can walk in shadow and do my bidding". Always he
demanded ....
We know he made the V'hir for Agrik; the quotation above suggests that he made creatures for
other deities (fairly obviously Naveh, and other martial gods).
Tim Bateson <>