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Bastune House

Bastune House is a fitting home for the appetites and ambitions of its chief resident, Lady Peresta Bastune. Whereas her husband, the Baron Greon Bastune, has been wenching and spending his way towards what is seemingly an inevitable downfall, Lady Peresta’s “legendary” infidelities, manage to further her ends. Her son Lyndar is purportedly not the product of her marriage to Greon Bastune, but rather of a liaison with the king’s bastard and Marshal of the Royal Guard, Koris Harabor. The Lady has all the makings of a compelling figure and NPC for any Kaldor campaign, and Bastune House provides an excellent platform for her, from which she can exercise all her charms.

Bastune House (Tahsal H3) is, first and foremost, an expression of the author’s simple desire to develop a floorplan for a townhouse in Tashal. It seemed like a good place to start. It’s big! — a little bigger than Caldeth’s house across the street and twice the size of Cheselyne’s house (Tashal H9).

Nevertheless, what is presented here is neither a detailed history of the house, nor a thorough description of its inhabitants. The house wasn’t built to fit into a particular campaign. As it developed, the floorplan suggested so many possible narratives that it seemed a shame to commit to just one. Numerous possibilities could be suggested, but let’s let the house speak for itself.

by Matt Leber

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