Good and Evil

An Agrikan Perspective

by James Chokey


As explained by the Master of the Low Discipline,
Temple of the Order of the Octagonal Pit, Coranan, 719 TR

“Good? Evil? Have you been listening to those empty-headed Peonians and self-righteous Laranians? Well, rid your head of all that nonsense that they've filled it with and listen up!”

“All talk of good and evil is gibberish. Morality is an absurd fiction, cooked up as a tool by the weak to impose limits on the strong. 'It's right to do this, wrong to do that, this is moral, that's immoral, that's honorable, that's dishonorable. . . ' Such talk is for children, half-wits, and weaklings who don't have the guts to stand up and accept the most basic fact of existence: namely that the principles that govern the world— and Kelestia as a whole— are strength, violence, and will. Those who possess these qualities survive and dominate; those who lack them die or become the slaves of those who do. This is the only law the universe has obeyed from the beginning. And it is the only one it shall ever obey!”

“You know this as a fact of common sense, surely, without needing me to explain it to you. Say you have two men meet each other for single battle. Who is going to be victorious— the one who is stronger, faster, more skilled at battle, and more ruthless? Or the one who subscribes to the greater number of 'good' notions? The Agrikan champion or the Peonian saint? Why, the answer is so obvious it need not even need be spoken.”

“Indeed, notions of morality are themselves a source of weakness. A committed warrior will seize any advantage possible that will give him victory— not restrict himself to only those actions that are deemed 'good' and 'honorable' by the simple-minded followers of Larani and Peoni. Those who think otherwise are either fools or dead.”

“It is this fact that makes Laranism so dangerous. It is bad not enough that she and her followers oppose the lordship of Agrik... they also use their notions of morality corrupt the minds of warriors, teaching them to be weak rather than strong. Laranism teaches them that they should not use their natural strength and might except in 'good ways' and for 'good causes'. It teaches them that they should not excercize the domination over the weak that is their right. It teaches them that to use the strength and might that is in their very nature— that which makes them great and powerful is, in and of itself wrong. And that is why Laranism must be countered: It is a corruptive lie, that seeks to turn strength into weakness and weakness into strength!”

“Indeed, if I teach you nothing else, remember this: The greatest virtue of our Warlord and his Church is that they dare to speak the truth of the world— that it is governed by force and violence and might. The other churches deny this basic fact, trying to hide behind infantile illusions of 'good' and 'evil' as if such man-made abstractions had any reality. They do this because they themselves are weak. They also know that Agrik is mightiest among all the gods. But to acknowledge these two fundamental truths would be to acknowledge their rightful position as his servants… Thus do the weak speak of their own ways as 'good' and Agrik's as 'evil': to justify hiding from a truth that they do not have the stomach to accept!”

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Page last updated on July 29, 2002 by Jim Chokey.